Single-Page vs. Multi-page UI Design: Pros & Cons

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For example there are two NICs added to the server and one of which is configured to have IP 10. TaTa — The TaTa Company adopts many website approaches with very little variety in its products, only getting expertise in the beverage industry. Another common trick web owners fall for is avoiding large and complex websites to save time, and sacrifice in such way must-have sections, content, and submenus. Reduced physical space requirement Alongside benefits there are limitations.

That you have a lot of pages without a lot on them. Quick scanning for UI is a necessity for any sized site. When the marketer comes in contact with huge number of people, the product's marketing is doubled.

Single website Vs Multiple Websites, what is better strategy? - After that, only new data is downloaded from the server. Multipage websites, on the other hand, will inform you immediately on why visitors are leaving, and help reduce bounce rates much faster.

Sites are differentiated not by port number instead domain host name Maybe I want too much, but this can be easily done using IIS by configuring IIS sites by host name or IP, or port. I understand and can accept that restriction, that these different VS projects must exist together in a VS solution, and can not deployed independently, I suppose a common Azure project exist which contains all configuration metainfo. Tools: VS 2013 Premium and Azure tools 2. Azure I would like to add a 2nd MVC project, and would like to modify config and other files in MySite. Azure to deploy both MySite and MySite2 and I would like to assign different hostname s to MySite and MySite2. I do know how to assign my hostnames to my Azure IP using my DNS provider, please suppose that's already done If differentiating by host name is not possible, still is it possible to differentiate by port number? Just to start from the top You don't need all projects in a single solution but it does make it easier, so I will assume you will at this stage. Add in your second project to your solution. On your Azure project MySite. Next in your ServiceDefinition. This configuration loads your site on every role you start up. So if you have 2 VM's running, both sites will be loaded on both VM's and load balanced across. So you are paying the exact same as just a single website. If you only load 1 VM, they are both loaded on 1 VM. However for the uptime SLA you need to have at least 2 VM's running. I would check that your DNS is set correctly having www. Then you can locally test if it is a DNS issue first. Btw I checked the DNS by pinging the host names to check if it resolves to the correct IP.

How to Host Multiple Websites in cPanel
Reduced physical space requirement Alongside benefits there are limitations. Once that page starts looking overwhelmed with information, it might be the right time to substitute it with a different layout. Another common trick web owners fall for is avoiding large and complex websites to save time, and sacrifice in such way must-have sections, content, and submenus. Like any site, the smaller the market, the easier it is to rank higher on Google, and other, search engine. I have friends who are managing 50 websites anon without any problem but all they have strategy for that. But Now I have three Websites with three which make it a lot difficult for me do that.